The Haunted Hospital

Estimated reading time 6 minutes

The Haunted Hospital, It was a cold, rainy night. The loud sound of thunder shook the earth as lightning flashed in the sky. Karl held tightly onto the steering wheel as he tried to bear the pain that was sailing through his body. Karl had accidentally chopped off his index finger while cooking dinner. The severed finger was wrapped in a little white cloth, and it sat on the passenger seat. He tied another handkerchief around the stump of his finger, but it was still bleeding profusely. The front of his shirt was soaked with blood. He was spending the weekend in his cabin in the mountains so he was alone.
haunted hospital

“There is a hospital around here….somewhere,” He cried.

Karl groaned as someone suddenly appeared in front of his car. He gritted his teeth as he tried to slow the vehicle down. He managed to stop the car before he could hit the person. The man standing in front of the car had pale skin and dark eyes. His lips were sealed together, and maggots were crawling along the back of his head. However, Karl didn’t notice that the man looked weird because he was in so much pain.

“I’m going to the hospital,” He said, pointing at his bloody finger, “Can you show me the way to the hospital?”

“That way!” The man said, pointing at towards his right hand.

“Thank you,” Karl replied. “Do you need a ride?”

The man turned around and walked into the woods. Karl followed the man’s direction, and he saw a light ahead of him. The light was flickering, but he could see a small, white-colored building. Karl parked his car in front of the building and walked in. He felt goosebumps on his skin as the hairs on the back of his head rose. There was no one in the reception, and all the lights were flickering.

Karl sighed when he saw a nurse walking towards him; she was pushing a gurney that had a corpse on it. When the nurse got closer to Karl, he saw the face of the dead man lying on the stretcher. Karl gasped because the dead man was the same man he saw on the road.

“Oh my god,” Karl said. Then he looked up, and he saw blood trickle out of the nurse’s nose. “I saw this man on the road!”

“This man has been dead for over three hours,” The nurse replied, “The emergency unit is on the left; please do not go into the right-wing.” 

“Thank you,” Karl said.

He was spooked, but he walked towards the emergency unit. Then he heard the sound of someone crying. The sound was coming from the right-wing of the hospital. Karl walked in the direction of the sound, and he saw a woman crying as she bent over a corpse in the morgue. Karl stepped into the morgue, his heart skipped a beat when he saw the nurse he met at the entrance on the table; she was dead.

“What is going on?” Karl cried.

The woman turned to look at him; blood was rushing out of her mouth and her nose.

“They are all dead! This place is haunted!” The woman screeched.

Karl turned around and ran out of the morgue. He paused when he saw a male doctor; the doctor had his back to Karl.

“Doctor, please help me,” Karl cried.

Karl touched the doctor’s shoulder, and he turned around. The doctor had no eyes; maggots were crawling all over his empty eye socket. His skin was pale and rotten.

“Oh my god,” Karl screamed.

 Karl ran down the hall, but he couldn’t see the entrance of the building anymore. There were corpses of nurses, patients, and doctors in every room. He saw a baby crying in a bed, and he thought to help the baby. But when he went into the room, the baby vanished into thin air. Karl had realized that the hospital was haunted, but he had no idea how to escape.

He ran into another hall, which was filled with the mangled bodies of nurses. He stepped on one of the bloated bodies, and it exploded. Karl’s body was covered with blood and bits of rotten flesh. He noticed a large window that was big enough for him to crawl through. Fortunately, there was no windowpane on the window. He put his severed finger into his pocket and climbed the window. As he started to lower his body through the window, the finger dropped out of his pocket, falling into one of the corpses’ empty eye socket.

The corpse moved its bony fingers as it sat upright. There was no way Karl could take the finger. So, he squeezed his body through the window and escaped.

Karl drove to the nearest police station and reported the incidence to them. Everyone in the town knew that the hospital was haunted. Karl remembered the incident whenever he looked at the stump of his index finger.

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